Astro Log
They say it's a good idea to keep a log. All right, here's the log home.
Observing home
Great Conjunction - Dec 21, 2020
DSC09808 MoonJupiterMoonsSaturn 3
DSC09809 MoonJupiterMoonsSaturn 4
DSC09810 MoonJupiterMoonsSaturn 5
DSC09813 MoonJupiterSaturn Hyatt
DSC09814DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 01
DSC09815DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 02
DSC09817DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 04
DSC09818DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 05
DSC09819DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 06
DSC09820DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 07
DSC09821DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 08
DSC09822DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 09
DSC09823DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 10
DSC09824DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 11
DSC09825DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 12
DSC09826DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 13
DSC09827DSC09814 JupiterSaturnThru10in 14
DSC09839 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 01
DSC09840 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 02
DSC09841 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 03
DSC09842 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 04
DSC09843 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 05
DSC09843 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 05 crop
DSC09844 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 06
DSC09844 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 06rot
DSC09845 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 07
DSC09846 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 08
DSC09848 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 10
DSC09849 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 11
DSC09850 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 12
DSC09854 201216 SatJupiterMoonSeaWorldtower 16
DSC09860 BayBridgeMoonJupiterMoonsSaturnTitan
Great Conjunction Moon over Mission Bay
Great Conjunction Jupiter Saturn Moon over Ingraham St. & Mission Bay
Great Conjunction Jupiter Saturn Moon over Ingraham St. & Mission Bay
DSC09869 GiantCometMoonJupiterMoonsSaturn
DSC09964 SundayNightJupiterSaturn
DSC09964 SundayNightJupiterSaturnAnnot8
DSC09806 MoonJupiterMoonsSaturn 1
DSC09807 MoonJupiterMoonsSaturn 2
Jupiter and Saturn 21Dec20
Great Conjunction - Dec 21, 2020. Jupiter and Saturn
Great Conjunction - Dec 21, 2020. Jupiter and Saturn
201221 ConjunctionConjunction patio 029
201221 ConjunctionConjunction patio 04
201221 ConjunctionConjunction patio 12
Comet NeoWise - July 11, 2020
200711 CometNeoWise from Jon s
Comet NEOWISE setting over
200711 CometNeoWise 01
200711 CometNeoWise 02
200711 CometNeoWise 03
200711 CometNeoWise 04
200711 CometNeoWise 05
200711 CometNeoWise 06
200711 CometNeoWise 07
200711 CometNeoWise 08
200711 CometNeoWise 09
200711 CometNeoWise 10
200711 CometNeoWise 11
200711 CometNeoWise 11edit
200711 CometNeoWise 12
200711 CometNeoWise 13
200711 Jon
200711 MilkyWayGarage 3
200711 MilkyWayGarage 4
200711 MilkyWayGarage 5
200711 MilkyWayGarage 7edit
200717 CometNeoWISE overSoledad Copy
200717 CometNeoWISE overSoledad 80mm Copy
200717 CometNeoWISE overSoledad 80mm
200717 CometNeoWISE overSoledad 8in
Eclipse 2017 - Totality in Oregon
Had some cool solar observations: Log: 120520 - Partial Solar Eclipse and Log: 120605 - Venus Transit
I have a website on Observing and Library Telescope Programs here:
Favorite Targets
My favorite objects (in rough order):
- Saturn (especially when deeply inclined like a few years ago, the recent Titan transits were pretty awesome)
- Jupiter (especially transits (that one night this summer where there were multiple transits/eclipses was very very very cool. I've never really seen the Great Red Spot, but did see that recent impact spot)
- M13, Hercules Cluster
- Omega Centauri (this actually might be my favorite thing)
- Whirlpool Galaxy (from a dark site, when you can see the arms)
- M81 and M82 (an elongated 100-billion star smudge and a round 100-billion star smudge, both in the same field of view)
- Orion Nebula
- Leo Triplets
- Galaxies with visible structure (NGC 891 (only saw that recently, nice vein!), Sombrero
- Moon (I need to spend more time on it, since it's so easy from the backyard
- Galaxy groups (although I've only really seen M81/M82, the Leo Triplets, and about four in Virgo)
- Veil Nebula (so big you have to push the scope around to see it all)
- Pushing a scope through the galaxy fields in Virgo
Things I don't appreciate much, probably because my equipment isn't geared towards it or I haven't spent enought time on it to appreciatet them:
- Splitting Stars
- Nebulas (I should use my LPR filter more and should probably pick up an OIII)
- Open Clusters (now that I have a wide field...)
My Only Astro Photo (well, for 12 years or so)
M82, the Cigar Galaxy (a starburst or "exploding" Galaxy), shot pre-Dash, with a Meade DSI and the C11-SGT.