Astro Log

They say it's a good idea to keep a log.  All right, here's the log home.  

Observing home

Observing Logs

Great Conjunction - Dec 21, 2020


Comet NeoWise - July 11, 2020


Eclipse 2017 - Totality in Oregon

 Had some cool solar observations: Log: 120520 - Partial Solar Eclipse and Log: 120605 - Venus Transit

I have a website on Observing and Library Telescope Programs here:

Favorite Targets

My favorite objects (in rough order):

  • Saturn (especially when deeply inclined like a few years ago, the recent Titan transits were pretty awesome)
  • Jupiter (especially transits (that one night this summer where there were multiple transits/eclipses was very very very cool. I've never really seen the Great Red Spot, but did see that recent impact spot)
  • M13, Hercules Cluster
  • Omega Centauri (this actually might be my favorite thing)
  • Whirlpool Galaxy (from a dark site, when you can see the arms)
  • M81 and M82 (an elongated 100-billion star smudge and a round 100-billion star smudge, both in the same field of view)
  • Orion Nebula
  • Leo Triplets
  • Galaxies with visible structure (NGC 891 (only saw that recently, nice vein!), Sombrero
  • Moon (I need to spend more time on it, since it's so easy from the backyard
  • Galaxy groups (although I've only really seen M81/M82, the Leo Triplets, and about four in Virgo)
  • Veil Nebula (so big you have to push the scope around to see it all)
  • Pushing a scope through the galaxy fields in Virgo

Things I don't appreciate much, probably because my equipment isn't geared towards it or I haven't spent enought time on it to appreciatet them:

  • Splitting Stars
  • Nebulas (I should use my LPR filter more and should probably pick up an OIII)
  • Open Clusters (now that I have a wide field...)

My Only Astro Photo (well, for 12 years or so)

M82, the Cigar Galaxy (a starburst or "exploding" Galaxy), shot pre-Dash, with a Meade DSI and the C11-SGT.